The Healthtech Marketing Network
The Healthtech Marketing Network is the place for senior healthtech marketing professionals to connect with peers, learn from each other and grow their careers.
Currently this is a group of more than 130 healthtech CMOs and VPs of marketing, Chief Growth and Revenue Officers. Members include senior executives from organizations like Premier Inc, Streamline Health, InterSystems, Get Well, CTG, Caregiliy, and many venture-backed firms.
Membership is free in 2024 and will be the foreseeable future.
Membership is open only to senior HIT marketing and growth leaders. No consultants*, no vendors, and no pitches. It is an opportunity to have an open discussion in a private and intimate setting.
The Healthtech Marketing Network is in its second year and going strong, adding new members every month.
Connect With and Learn From Your Peers
As a member, you will have access to the private Healthtech Marketing Network online community. This is a place where you can learn about the other members, ask questions get answers from your peers, and having access to a library of assets created by the Healthtech Marketing Network community.
Samantha Downing, Koa Health and Stacy Sands, Get Well Share Their Experience
The group meets once per month via Zoom, typically on the first Friday of the month. The group picks the topics and discusses best practices, what works, challenges, and what they want to learn.
Recent topics have included conversations about AI, ABM, Staffing, and Event Marketing. It's always an informative and lively conversation.
Group members can view the recordings and transcriptions afterward in the online community. Conversations remain private.
Members go out of their way to help each other share career opportunities, and many connect and meet offline.
Here Is What Members Say
Apply For Membership
*The only consultant who attends is healthlaunchpad CEO, Adam Turinas whom facilitates the sessions.