Welcome to the Healthtech Marketing Show

Marketing to healthcare is hard. We can all use a little help. Join us for the Healthtech Marketing Show to learn from the experts. Each episode features an experienced healthcare technology marketing leader, who shares tips, insights, and how to’s on a specific topic. Episodes include B2B marketing, HIT Marketing trends, ABM, brand strategy, digital, and content marketing and more.

We're always looking for new topics. If you are interested in being included, please email me at adam@healthlaunchpad.com.

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Latest Episodes of the Healthtech Marketing Show

Best Practices Healthcare B2B2C

I recently had a great chat with the wonderful Bonni Kaplan DeWoskin, an expert in Healthcare B2B2C. Currently, Bonni is a fractional CMO with extensive experience running B2B2C programs for health tech, homecare, and other healthcare sectors. I sat down with Bonni for the Healthtech Marketing Show to get some practical insights.

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The Untapped and Misunderstood Opportunity in Rural Health

In this episode of the Healthtech Marketing Show, Karsten Russell-Wood, the Chief Marketing and Experience Officer of Equum Medical and I talked about Rural Health.

For a city boy like me this was a great education.

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How is AI Making an Impact on SEO with Karen Finn, PhD and Danny Goodwin

In this week’s episode, host Adam Turinas takes a hard look at the impact of AI on Search. Adam is joined by Danny Goodwin,  Managing Editor of Search Engine Land & SMX and Karen Finn, PhD,  Health Launchpad’s SEO Lead. Adam, Danny, and Karen go deep on how artificial intelligence is reshaping the way SEO works or, more to the point, doesn’t work so well anymore, and what it means for healthcare technology marketers.

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Marketing to Existing Customers with Mark Erwich

In this episode of the Health Tech Marketing Show, Adam is joined by Mark Erwich, a super-experienced healthcare technology marketer, to discuss the importance of customer marketing and how to implement it in your organization effectively.

Given how hard it is to win new customers, keeping and growing your current customers is even more important. t is much easier and more cost-effective to retain and grow current relationships than to acquire new ones.

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How To Create an Effective Buyer Journey with Mike Campana

In this episode of the Healthtech Marketing Show, Adam Turinas and Mike Campana, a long-time healthcare IT marketing executive, discuss buyer journey mapping. In Mike’s view, the traditional marketing funnel is flawed. Buyer journey mapping is a better way to understand buyer behavior and develop a plan to engage buyers throughout their journey. Mike walks

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The Latest in Using AI to Transform Your Marketing

In the final session of the Healthtech Marketing Summit, Casey Meehan, AI and Marketing specialist and long-time partner of Health Launchpad, took the stage to share his insights on how to harness the power of AI to transform your marketing efforts. Casey has a decade of experience running a content marketing agency and a passion for AI that dates back to 2018. Casey has become an expert in integrating AI into various aspects of marketing, from content creation to campaign optimization and decision-making processes.

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Building a GTM Engine

Insights from the Healthtech Marketing Summit On April 29th, the Healthtech Marketing Summit brought together industry leaders to discuss strategies and best practices for go-to-market success in the healthcare technology space. One of the standout sessions, “Building a GTM Engine,” delved into the key components of a well-oiled go-to-market machine. The panelists, led by Bob

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Embracing ABM To Change The Sales and Marketing Model

Listen to Episode In this epsiode, we bring you insights from the recent Healthtech Marketing Summit, where two industry leaders, Ben Person, CEO of Tenon, and Kelly McDermott, CMO of Caregility, shared their experiences and strategies for embracing Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to drive complex B2B sales in the healthcare technology sector. Moderated by Adam Turinas,

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How To Leverage Authenticity, Advocacy, and Analytics to Build Your Brand

Building a strong brand is more important than ever for healthtech companies. The key is differentiate by establishing trust, credibility, and emotional connections with target audiences. At the recent Healthtech Marketing Summit, hosted by Health Launchpad, marketing executives from top healthtech companies shared their insights on the state of branding and the strategies needed to succeed in this dynamic environment.

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The Evolution Demand Generation in Healthtech Marketing

Listen to the Episode In this replay of the first session from the Healthtech Marketing Summit, we dive into the evolution of demand generation in the healthtech industry. The session is moderated by Adam Turinas, CEO and founder of Health Launchpad, a healthtech marketing agency. Adam is joined by an expert panel featuring Matt Carollo

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The Value of Buyer Intent from Healthcare Comparison Websites

Marketers always seek an edge to connect with potential buyers at the right time with the right message. In most B2B categories, comparison websites provide a good way to identify in-market prospects.  Beyond simply facilitating matches between buyers and sellers, these comparison websites also sit on a treasure trove of data that can unveil powerful

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Latest Best Practices in Using AI for Content Creation

Creating high-quality, engaging content consistently can be a daunting task for even the most experienced marketers. AI is changing the way we approach content creation, offering new opportunities for efficiency, creativity, and personalization. Casey Meehan, founder of Blazing Zebra, and Lucy Railton, VP of Marketing for the Drummond Group, shared their insights and experiences on how to leverage AI throughout the content creation process effectively.

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Brand Storytelling Strategies for Healthcare Technology

In today’s crowded and noisy healthcare technology market, crafting a compelling brand story is more critical than ever for companies looking to differentiate themselves and capture the attention of their target audiences. Effective brand storytelling can humanize your technology, build trust with prospects, and ultimately drive business growth. 

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Beyond Profit: The Power of Purposeful Branding in Health care

In the competitive landscape of health care technology, standing out from the crowd can be a daunting challenge. With countless vendors vying for attention, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. However, some organizations find success by focusing on something more profound than profit: purposeful branding. By aligning their mission, vision, and values with

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The Evolving Role of SDRs in Health Tech: From Cold Calling to ABM

In today’s evolving health tech landscape, the role of Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) is transforming. As companies navigate longer and more complex sales cycles, SDRs play an even more important link between Marketing and Sales. In this post we dive into how to build an effective SDR operation.

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Finding Your Next Gig: A Guide for Job Seekers in Health tech Marketing

Losing a job, whether planned or unplanned, is an emotional and challenging experience that most of us will face at some point in our careers. The journey to finding your next opportunity can be overwhelming, but with the right mindset, strategies, and resources, you can navigate this process successfully.

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internal marketing

Unlocking the Power of Internal Marketing with Stacey Danheiser, Shake Marketing

To be an effective healthcare technology marketer, you must be well-versed in crafting compelling campaigns, engaging with external audiences, and driving growth for your organization. However, have you ever considered the importance of internal marketing?

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How to Scale a Health care AI Solution: Go-to-Market Approaches

In this week’s episode of the Health tech Marketing Show, I delve into the GTM strategies employed by two exciting Health care AI startups. My interviews with two up-and-coming star CEOs, Matt Ko and David Zakariaie, demonstrate two very different GTM approaches.  Personal Journeys: Turning Challenges into Opportunities In today’s rapidly evolving health care industry,

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inbound marketing model

Driving Growth with The 4-Corner Inbound Marketing Model

I am a passionate about inbound marketing. In this post, I will share what I have learned works. We call it the 4-Corner Inbound marketing Model. I have found that 50% of new business comes from our inbound marketing model. The other 50% originates from referrals, likely heavily influenced by the content they’ve been exposed to through our inbound approach.

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healthcare CIO challneges

The Health care CIO’s Perspective: How They Research, Buy & Want to Be Sold To

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with JD Whitlock, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Dayton Children’s Hospital, on The Healthtech Marketing Show.  This is a deep dive into healthcare CIO challenges and how this impacts how you sell to them.

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Transforming Your Organization for Social Selling

On a recent episode of The Health tech Marketing Show, I sat down with social selling expert Tim Hughes, author of Social Selling Techniques to Change Makers. With 25 years of enterprise B2B sales experience and a history of rolling out social selling to thousands globally, Tim shared his methodology for transforming organizations to sell

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The Evolving Healthcare IT Buyer Journey: New Research and Insights on Healthcare Purchasing

HIMSS recently conducted an insightful study on the evolving healthcare IT (HIT) buyer journey to understand how HIT purchase decisions are made in today’s complex healthcare environment. The research was presented for the latest The Healthtech Marketing Show Live. This included insights from a panel of healthcare marketing experts, including Matt Carollo (HIMSS), Kaycee Kalpin (Premier Inc), Karsten Russell-Wood (Equum Medical), and your truly, as host Adam Turinas (Health Launchpad).

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healthcare analysts

Separating Signal from Noise: Understanding Healthcare Analysts

Industry analysts play a vital role in healthcare technology, helping buyers navigate an increasingly complex vendor landscape. In this episode of the Healthtech Marketing Show, John Moore III, Managing Partner of Chilmark Research, lends his perspective as a veteran analyst to elucidate the value firms like his provide. Read on for John’s insights on the role of healthtech analysts.

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b2b healthcare marketers

The Changing Buyer Journey: Key Insights for Healthcare B2B Marketers

Understanding the buyer journey has become increasingly complex, especially for Healthcare B2B Marketers, with buyers conducting more self-directed research before engaging with vendors. Marketers must rethink their strategies to attract and influence prospective buyers in this environment. Fresh research from Endeavor Business Media’s annual B2B marketing benchmark report sheds light on key trends and best practices.

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