In this episode, Adam Rosenberg, RXRevu’s Director of Marketing explains how they make the complex simple, how they are organized, and how they take a disciplined ABM approach to sales and marketing.
Adam has some unique perspectives as he has a tenured career in healthcare both in sales and marketing.
He shares insights on what’s important on both sides of the sales and marketing coin. You will also learn how RXRevu thinks about the new policy changes in healthcare and capitalizes on these to provide value to all their audiences.
We hope you’ll find this podcast insightful in sharpening your Healthtech marketing approaches.
Video Podcast: Key Highlights With Timestamps
0:28 – Podcast Introduction By Adam Turinas
1:34 – Adam’s Career Background & Role In RxRevuÂ
4:53 – Rosenberg’s Advice to Sales & Marketing Persons
7:39 – Adam R. On How His Sales Background Affects His Marketing Role
11:29 – RXRevu’s Rebranding & Management of Different Service Provider Messages
16:32 – How RXRevu Manages Budgets for Multiple Targeted Marketing Messages
20:37 – How RXRevue Views the new HIPAA Policy
26:36 – RXRevu’s Simple Approach to ABM
32:38 – Adam Rosenberg’s Final Advice
Healthtech Marketing Podcast Video: Making The Complex Simple. Guest Speaker:Â Adam Rosenberg, Marketing Director, RXRevu
Adam Rosenberg:Â Podcast Briefs With Time-stamps.
0:28 – Podcast Introduction
Adam Turinas, the CEO and Founder of Healthlaunchpad welcomes listeners and introduces the guest speaker, Adam Rosenberg, the Director of Marketing of RXRevu, a high-growth healthcare technology company.
1:34 – Adam Rosenberg’s Career & Role at RxRevu
Adam Rosenberg talks about his career background, how he started in healthcare technology sales and how he:
- Learned about what it takes to build relationships with healthcare executives
- Learned the intricacies of the healthcare market
- Moved to different marketing roles, and lead generation rolesÂ
- Played digital advertising and social medial roles
- Currently overseas everything as a Marketing Director at RexRevu
He also explains the role of RexRevu which is the creation of a network of health plans and PBM data in healthcare and delivering the same to providers and patients to help them understand the coverage cost of care.
4:53 – Adam’s Advice to Sales & Marketing Persons
Having played both the sales and marketing roles, Adam’s advice is that to avoid friction between marketing and sales, both should:
- Work together and aligned with the key goal of growing the company
- Ensure that healthcare is relationship-driven by nurturing collaboration
- Work towards positioning the company in multiple channels
7:39 – Adam Explains How His Sales Background Affects His Marketing Role
In the podcast, Adam explains some of the key lessons he learned as a salesperson.
And so, when he transitioned to his current marketing role, he was in a better position to support the sales team.
This is because he already had a better understanding of their roles such as:
- Hitting the phones
- Sending out content
- Emailing health systems Executives.
Adam also points out that from his experience, there is never one specific message that works for all the audience. There is a need to craft specific messages that resonate with specific service providers.
11:29 – Adam’s Insights on RXRev’s Rebranding & Management of Different Targeted Messages
Adam Rosenberg explains how their company, RXRevu, is rebranding and the strategies they use in order to provide specific messages and value prepositions for their Providers, Payers, PBMs, EHRs, and Vendors
Adam also talks of overarching messages that give a general overview of their company
He explains some of the techniques they use which include:
- Internally working with consultants and brand experts
- Hosting sessions for staff to ensure they are aligned around the company’s mission
- Back and forth communication between sales, commercial, and marketing teams
- Collection and analysis of feedback, and synthesis of messages
- Having 3 Sales teams that focus on different target audiences under one umbrella
- Working together with the leadership team
- Setting up sessions for people to come together to discuss and share information
- Allowing sales teams to make suggestions and consider inputs that they believe can work
16:32 – Adam R:- How They Manage Budget for Multiple Messages
In managing the cost of multiple messages for specific audiences, Adam further explains how they manage their budget by figuring out what works and what doesn’t work.
For instance, some of the key parameters they consider when evaluating expenditures on webinars for Service Providers have been informed by the number of:
- Registrants
- Attendees
- Qualified Leads.
Adam again clarifies that that RXRevu leverage the data for its advertising on LinkedIn.
In the podcast, he details some of the performance indicators that assist them in determining which campaigns to allocate more resources to.
20:37 – Adam Rosenberg’s Take On New HIPAA Policy
In the podcast, Adam talks about how they are following the new HIPPAA policy from the initial 21st Century Cures Act and Information Blocking CMS Interoperability rules.
He further provides insights into the new rules and believes that the most valuable place to get the data is into the doctor’s hands, and this is the new policy’s direction.
Rosenberg also discusses how the new policy is a win-win for everybody: the Patients, Physicians, and Service Providers
Finally, he points out that with the connection of EHR and the cost Plans, their organization can deliver the required information in real-time when it matters.
26:36 – How RXRevu Approaches Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
Rosenberg explains their simple approach to ABM that targets their three markets namely:
- Health Systems (The Provider Market)
- The Payer Market & PBMs
- EHRs and Vendors
Simple ABM Approaches Used By RXRevu
Adam also recognizes that they have not gotten to a level of adopting more complex or sophisticated ABM strategies such as the use of intent data for one-to-one ABM
And so, they do not use more advanced ABM platforms such as Terminus or Demandbase.
However, in the podcast, Adam explains how they have adopted the following simple and general ABM approaches to reach their target market
- Working with the commercial team and reviewing accounts quarterly in order to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
- Identifying account lists to build relationships with
- Campaign Segmentation by sending content, demos, or webinars to the list of the top accounts through salespersons who have already built a relationship with the target accounts.
- Using LinkedIn ads, Sales Support, and Scripting in order to target specific regional markets with campaigns
- Ensuring there is an alignment between sales and marketing in order to achieve the desired efficiency
- Also getting close to target audiences using Google ads and Linkedln ads networks
- Targeting only the key stakeholders since healthcare marketing is relationship-driven
32:38 – Adam Rosenberg’s Final Piece of Advice
Finally, Adam Rosenberg advises on the importance of surrounding yourself with smart people.
He then explains that though there are certain people who may decide on working on projects as an individual, it is always more helpful to collaborate while being surrounded by smart, experienced, and approachable individuals.
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