brand strategy in healthcare marketing

Healthcare Brand Development Strategy : Empathy-based Marketing Approach

In this post, James Rose, Head of Marketing at InterSystem, speaks with Adam Turinas, the CEO of healthlaunchpad on how their technology firm uses an empathy-based marketing strategy in order to popularize its brand.

And so, I hope this post will provide you with practical insights that your organization needs in order to build and develop a strong brand.

Brand Strategy – Video Highlights

In the video, Jim explains the following empathy-driven approaches that form part of their brand marketing strategy:

  1. Understanding Customer’s ViewPoints
  2. Building Customer’s Confidence
  3. Addressing Customer’s Pressures

Empathy-based Marketing

#1 – Capturing Customer’s View Points

Firstly, Jim begins by explaining the importance of having a better understanding of what the customers go through inside their organization.

In his illustration, he shares an interesting empathy-based encounter he had with one of their customers.

#2 – Building Customer Confidence

Secondly, focusing on developing a brand, Jim also shares how important it is to ensure that your customers are making the right purchase decision. And so his perspective on this is basically about building trust.

#3 Addressing Customers’ Pressures 

Another key strategy is to understand your customers’ internal pressures or risks that may be linked to their purchase decisions.

Jim further illustrates how the purchase of critically important software from the wrong vendor can negatively affect a buyer’s career.

This, therefore, focuses on empathy.

Empathy-based Brand Strategy – Video


Other Insightful Posts:

Posted by Adam Turinas
Posted in Healthtech Marketing Show on February 17, 2022

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About the Author Adam Turinas

Hi, I am Adam Turinas, Health Launchpad's founder. I am passionate about helping healthtech firms succeed through better sales and marketing. I have hard-earned experience in healthcare technolgy as I started two healthcare businesses in the US, the first with zero healthcare experience. We sold the second business to a strategic buyer seven years later. Over 9 years building a healhtech businesses, I have learned how to sell and market effectively to healthcare organizations. Prior to this, I spent two decades in digital marketing across healthcare and other consumer industries where I sold over $100 million in products and services to corporations and healthcare orgs. I would love to talk with you. You can book a call with me on the right hand side. Best Adam (This is page 0 of many)Enter your text here...

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