david fortino- healthechmarketing podcast

Healthtech Marketing Podcast – David Fortino, Netline on Content Marketing Insights

In this podcast, Adams Turinas, CEO & founder of healthlaunchpad gets actionable content marketing insights from David Fortino, the Chief Strategy Officer of Netline, a leading  content syndication Platform.

David’s firm helps thousands of marketers engage buyers with 100s of 1000s of pieces of content.

Netline has tons of data on how buyers engage with content. David recently published some fascinating insights on this, and he shares them in this latest podcast episode.

This podcast is brought to you through the partnership of healthlaunchpad and HIMMS.

Key Podcast Highlights

The podcast aims at answering the following key content marketing questions:

  • What Content Is Most Effective?
  • What Content Do Buyers Want and Why?
  • How Can You Use Content to Nurture Relationships
  • How Do You Analyze Content Trends?

Video Podcast:  Content Marketing Insights  – David Fortino

1:22 – David Fortino  & Netline Solutions

The podcast begins with David sharing about his role as a Chief Strategy Officer at Netline.  He discusses how Netline:

  1. Operates the largest content-centric platform on the web.
  2. Helps B2B marketers of all disciplines to generate leads through their content marketing platform.

David explains how Netline processes thousands of registrations from content marketers and how they help a wide range of marketers trying to translate content into dialogue with prospects to drive pipeline.

David Fortino – Netline Content Marketing Study Report

In the podcast, David highlights a study they did, some of the insights they derived from the study, and how the data they derived helped identify the most effective content marketing strategy.

David explains that by interpreting data into actionable insights, they can create marketers who are more intelligent about their Ideal Customer Profiles ( ICPS)

3:53 – Key Report Findings

  1. Content consumption continues to grow
  2. Marketing Content should be rich in both quality & integrity
  3. Marketers should always enhance their content
  4. Content creators ought to realize they are marketing to people
  5. Marketers to focus on content that drives dialogues with prospects
  6. To drive engagement, brands should create a distinct voice, a feeling, and an emotional connection to their content
  7. Marketers should be aware of the marketing content consumption gap
  8. Good content should create a positive perception
  9. Need to focus on creating Customer Experiences

7:00 – Tracking Content Marketing Data

David explains how they track how consumers engage with the marketing content hosted within their platform. The tracking, he explains, begins from the time of registration.

David then demonstrates how trucked the sales team can use data through different tools at appropriate times when prospects have started engaging with the content.

Fortino talks of the importance of using the right messaging context by the sales team when reaching out to prospects.

This is because passing inappropriate messages can be a dramatic misstep when it comes to creating a customer experience.

11:10 – Effective Types of Marketing Content

Further in the podcast, David reveals that eBooks remain the most effective type of content compared to other formats because they tend to turn complicated topics into simple, easy-to-consume content.

He explains that eBooks tend to target those at the top funnel who are at a discovery stage of their buying process.

For other content, such as Webinars or Case studies, David reveals that they are the lowest in terms of volume but target those at the bottom of the funnel activities.

And so, as a marketer, David advises you to think of a suitable combination of content without focusing on only chasing volumes. Good content creation, he explains, should be in building a complete funnel.

Marketing Content Formats – Ebooks & Other Formats.

David then explains how they track different content formats and how eBooks differ from other marketing content formats such as white papers in terms of communication tone and their target consumers.

David Fortino on Video Content Marketing

In the video podcast, David reveals that though they have different content in different video formats, the volume is not large.

This is because content creators have not focused more on creating video content.

David shares that from their analysis, consumers tend to lean toward videos. He further explains other unique benefits that video and audio-based marketing content have, such as tracking and intent

20:46 – The Role of Analytics On Reaching Prospects

In the podcasts video, David emphasizes a smart marketer or sales team should contact prospects for engagements only if they are aware of the nature of marketing content their prospects have consumed.

He explains that to enhance customer experience, prospects’ approach should be based on value and how you can help them solve their problems instead of pitching first.

David then provides details on how you can access their reports and some of their ICP tools on their site such as Audience Explorer that content marketers can readily benefit from.

23:25 – David Fortino’s  Advice To Marketers.

Finally, as the podcast comes to a close, David, from his past lessons, advises marketers to:

  1. Stop listening to their competitors and adopting their narratives
  2. Focus on what makes their brand important and unique
  3. Unlock their creativity and fears, and be ready to take risks

 Other Relevant Links:

Posted by Adam Turinas
Posted in Healthtech Marketing Show on November 22, 2022

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About the Author Adam Turinas

Hi, I am Adam Turinas, Health Launchpad's founder. I am passionate about helping healthtech firms succeed through better sales and marketing. I have hard-earned experience in healthcare technolgy as I started two healthcare businesses in the US, the first with zero healthcare experience. We sold the second business to a strategic buyer seven years later. Over 9 years building a healhtech businesses, I have learned how to sell and market effectively to healthcare organizations. Prior to this, I spent two decades in digital marketing across healthcare and other consumer industries where I sold over $100 million in products and services to corporations and healthcare orgs. I would love to talk with you. You can book a call with me on the right hand side. Best Adam (This is page 0 of many)Enter your text here...

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