david cole explaining brand transformation

Healthtech Marketing Podcast – On Building a Brand From The Inside Out – David Cole, CEO, DAC Inc.

Addressing the human side of change within your organization is critical, especially during its brand transformation phase. How can you go about breaking down Health Care Silos that create a disjointed healthcare experience and scuttle your organization’s brand evolution or revolution? David Cole, CEO & Founder of DAC Consulting Group, provides answers in the below video podcast where he talks about Building a Brand from the Inside Out. 

In this informative podcast brought to you in partnership with HIMMS, David speaks to Adam Turinas, the CEO & Founder of healthlaunchpad.

We hope that the lessons shared in this podcast will provide you with the practical insights you need to drive the human side of your organization’s brand transformation process.

Podcast Highlights With Timestamps

0:27 – Welcome Note & Introducing The  Guest Speaker 

1: 49 – Dave Cole – Career Background & DAC Inc.

3:54 –  Explaining Brand Building From The Inside Out & Its Importance

5:18 –  Brand Transformation & How Companies Get It Wrong

6:46 –  Changing People’s Minds Before Their Brand Behaviours 

7:38 – Examples of Companies Transformed By The Inside Out Branding Strategy

11: 35 –  The Process of Engaging People’s Hearts & Brains

22:27 –  Measuring Brand Transformation Improvements

26: 17 – David Cole’s  Final Advice – Understand Your Value

Healthtech Marketing Podcast Video – Building a Brand From The Inside Out – David Cole, CEO, DAC Inc.

David Cole Podcast Video Briefs With Time-stamps.

????0:27 – Welcome Note, HIMMS Partnership  & The  Guest Speaker 

The podcast begins with a welcome note and recognition of the HIMMS as a partner by Adam Turinas, CEO of healthlaunchpad.

He then introduces the podcast’s guest speaker David Cole from DAC for this interesting and very insightful discussion on Building a Brand from the inside out

????1: 49 – Dave Cole – Career Background & DAC Inc.

And so Dave Cole starts by introducing himself and his 15-year career background in marketing, advertisement, and the development of strategies such as Account Planner for organizations.

He explains how in his organization, DAC Inc.,  he consults around Organizational change and development which focuses on optimizing the human side of the organization.

He  reveals that their consulting services include:

David further points out the need to approach organizational change through the lens of brand transformation.

And so to build an effective brand from the inside out, your approaches need to focus on both brand strategy and change management.

????3:54 –  David Cole Explaining Brand Building From The  Inside Out &  Its Importance

Brand building from the inside out entails all the activities or processes that an organization adopts to ensure that its brand message is well crafted with all members of the organization well-informed regarding the brand.

So in the video podcast, David highlights the following as some of the key benefits of building a brand from the inside out:

????5:18 –  How Companies Get It Wrong

In the podcast, David Cole explains how some companies or organizations fail in their brand strategies by:

  • Assuming that having a good brand and a great brand store is all they need to enhance their brand strategy
  • Failing to create brand awareness among their employees to ensure that they all embrace the brand, and are ready to share, present, or engage customers with the right brand message.
  • Expecting employees’ behaviors towards the brand to change positively without taking the first critical step of convincing them all to positively change their minds regarding the brand.

????6:46 –  Approach For Changing People’s Minds Before Their Behaviour

Dave explains that before people change their behaviors, it is important that their mindset towards the brand is positively changed.

So to achieve this, training and Organizational development is important in order to:

  • They convince themselves regarding what they want to do right
  • Get them to buy in like in a sales transaction
  • Make them feel that they need to take action themselves in order to achieve the benefits

????7:38 – Examples- Companies That Were Transformed By The Inside Out Brand Strategy

In illustrating how the Inside Out brand building has been successful, David provides and discusses the  following 2 case studies as examples:

Example 1: How  in 2000, IBM Focused on Value Jam Session having noted that the company was so siloed that the existing marketing strategies would not work in the long-term

The Approach used: Organizing the values Jam sessions by engaging 50,000 people in the values transformation process

Result: IBM overcame its marketing effectiveness after the organization successfully rallied around its values.

Example 2: Philips – In the 2000s, Philips was also so siloed that it was not easy for them could hardly get any medical group to work with.

This is because there was a lack of synergy between their semiconductors and the consumable divisions.

The Approach Use: Engaging the employees, talking, and agreeing on the main purpose of the organization

Result: Employees became aligned and rallied around a single brand, Philips.

Based on the above success stories, David Cole then explains the following about the inside out brand-building:

  • It’s a smart strategy that is key to your brand strategy
  • Ensures your organization’s brand strategies focus on customers
  • Is critical if you want to break down silos within your organization
  • Encourages talks about the emotional side such as the purpose of undertaking the process.
  • Focuses on developing an inspiring healthcare vision 
  • Promote values that make the brand come alive
  • Lead people into embracing the brand strategy & working towards its successful implementation
  • Involves transforming people’s minds and hearts
  • Work towards motivating people to change their behaviors towards the brand

11: 35 –  The Process of Engaging the Heart & Brain

David Cole begins by highlighting some of the questions that are critical in the process of engaging people’s hearts and brains as a brand-building strategy from the inside out.

Here are some of the engagement strategies that he discusses in the podcast:

  • Bringing people together
  • Creating experiences that engage both their hearts and brain
  • Sharing the brand’s story or the new brand strategy
  • Discussing how to overcome silos
  • Being customer-focused by discussing customers’ expectations & brand messaging
  • Getting the people’s feedback
  • Identifying possible barriers
  • Agreeing on a process
  • Allowing people to engage in a free conversation
  • Letting people engage in finding solutions to the problems
  • Identifying and using the most valuable skills in the organization
  • Developing & nurturing the right relationships among the people

22:27 –  Measuring Brand Transformation Improvements

Referring to his past Brand Transformation process involving Cooper Store or Nationstar that rebranded to Mr. Cooper, David Cole points out that:

  • Mr. Cooper’s brand transformation process was a complex change that needed time.
  • They had no metrics to  determine achievements made within specified periods
  • The organization’s brand transformation was continuous
  • After 12 months of training, they used engagement surveys as a soft measure to assess the progress.

So following his involvement in Mr. Cooper Store’s inside out brand transformation journey, David shares the following valuable tips:

  • You can achieve a critical mass improvement of 70% to 80% within 1 year. The remaining improvements can be realized progressively
  • It is important to continually have the right programs, training sessions, and policies in place in order to keep your organization’s brand transformation effectively reinforced.
  • To record remarkable success, your organization’s executive leaders must remain committed to the process

26: 17 – David Cole’s  Final Advice – Understand Your Value

As the podcast comes to an end, David Cole advises that if you are a marketer within any, you need to focus on marketing solutions with values or applications rich enough to give you a competitive advantage.

He then puts his advice into perspective with a simple Biblical reference:

“If you’re a little guy, you should be the David to the Goliath!”

Podcast Subscription

You can subscribe to watch this and other podcast videos on Apple or Spotify or any of your favorite podcast players.

So we’ve got lots more guests coming up. So thank you for listening.

And if you’ve got a topic you’d like us to cover, please email me at adam@healthlaunchpad.com or find me on LinkedIn here.  Thanks, everybody. Also Check this post out about how to select the right brand firm.


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Posted by Adam Turinas
Posted in Blog, Brand Marketing on March 14, 2022

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About the Author Adam Turinas

Hi, I am Adam Turinas, Health Launchpad's founder. I am passionate about helping healthtech firms succeed through better sales and marketing. I have hard-earned experience in healthcare technolgy as I started two healthcare businesses in the US, the first with zero healthcare experience. We sold the second business to a strategic buyer seven years later. Over 9 years building a healhtech businesses, I have learned how to sell and market effectively to healthcare organizations. Prior to this, I spent two decades in digital marketing across healthcare and other consumer industries where I sold over $100 million in products and services to corporations and healthcare orgs. I would love to talk with you. You can book a call with me on the right hand side. Best Adam (This is page 0 of many)Enter your text here...

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