ryan grable - healthcare brand marketing strategy & customer experience

Healthtech Branding & Marketing Strategies : Ryan Grable, SVP of Marketing, PerfectServe: Ryan Grable, Chief Marketing Officer, PerfectServe

In this Healthtech Marketing podcast, Adam Turinas, the CEO of healthlaunchpad, discusses branding and marketing strategy with Ryan Grable, Chief Marketing Officer at PerfectServe, a leader in the Clinical Communications & Collaboration space.

This podcast is produced through the partnership of HIMSS and healthlaunchpad

Ryan explains how their organization focused on umbrella branding as a new brand marketing strategy to consolidate their 4 acquired healthcare products into a single integrated brand.

Key Podcast Highlights With Timestamps

2:24 Ryan Grable – Career & PerfectServe

5:33 The New Lessons After Joining B2B Healthcare Marketing

9:38 PerfectServe’s Customer Engagement Approach ( Customer Journey)

14:34Acquisition Challenges & Brand Consolidation Strategy

18:48 – PerfectServe’s Current Marketing Strategies & Benefits

18:48 – Ryan Final Advice On Listening To Customers

Healthtech Brand Marketing Strategy Podcast Video – Ryan Grable, Chief Marketing Officer, PerfectServe

Ryan Grable’s Podcast Briefs With Time-stamps.

2:24Ryan Grable – Career Background & PerfectServe

Ryan shares about his career background, their company, PerfectServe, and the communication services they deliver to their healthcare practitioners and their patients.

5:33The Lessons – Understanding Customers & How Best To Help Them

Ryan explains that before joining PerfectServe he had served in several sectors within the technology space.

He provides key lessons he has learned over time and further explains the importance of being agile, the need to talk about the product and its features, benefits, and the problem it solves.

How does it connect to their integrated experience and processes? What general value does it bring to the client?

9:38Ryan Grable On PerfectServe & Customer Engagement Approach 

Ryan highlights the following customer engagement approaches that they use during the buyer’s journey.

  • Using technologies in order to achieve efficiency and effective customer engagement
  • Where applicable, equipping customers with information, and resources, and asking relevant questions
  • Not focusing on selling the product but on developing long-term partnerships with target customers
  • Using different marketing channels in order to engage potential customers whenever they are

14:34 Acquisition & Brand Positioning Challenges

Ryan Grable also explains how PerfectServe was initially faced with a branding challenge after they acquired 3 companies with complementary but different value propositions and offerings.

He points out how their company had to develop a branding strategy in order to transform the 4 offerings under an integrated single brand umbrella that offers a cohesive value proposition.

18:48R. Grable – Brand Consolidation Strategies & Benefits.

Ryan further explains the following as the key brand marketing strategies they adopted to popularize their newly acquired multiple-product brand.

  • Highlighting product benefits to customers in order to boost their interests
  • Enhancing marketing team collaboration so that performance efficiency can be realized.
  • Effective integration of their products.

To realize the above, Ryan’s company adopted the following customer-focused brand-building approaches:

  • Aligning and uniting their team around a shared vision in order to achieve the common goals
  • Focus on delivering the best customer experience
  • Bring all the different products under a single platform
  • Effectively connecting clinicians with patients in order to improve communication
  • Ensure safe, efficient,  and quick communication between clinicians and patients
  • Align all their messages and brand in order to improve customer experience

18:48 – R. Grable Advices Marketers to Listen More

Finally, in the podcast, Ryan advises healthtech marketers to take their time to listen to customers’ major problems.

This is because it is the best way they can fully understand their pain points so in order to recommend or provide them with the most suitable and effective solutions.

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You can also view the video of this podcast through a link in the show notes.

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Thank you for listening.

In case you have a topic you would like me to cover, please just let me know by emailing me at Adam@healthlaunchpad.com, or reach me through LinkedIn here


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Posted by Adam Turinas
Posted in Healthtech Marketing Show, Marketing to Healthcare on January 18, 2022

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About the Author Adam Turinas

Hi, I am Adam Turinas, Health Launchpad's founder. I am passionate about helping healthtech firms succeed through better sales and marketing. I have hard-earned experience in healthcare technolgy as I started two healthcare businesses in the US, the first with zero healthcare experience. We sold the second business to a strategic buyer seven years later. Over 9 years building a healhtech businesses, I have learned how to sell and market effectively to healthcare organizations. Prior to this, I spent two decades in digital marketing across healthcare and other consumer industries where I sold over $100 million in products and services to corporations and healthcare orgs. I would love to talk with you. You can book a call with me on the right hand side. Best Adam (This is page 0 of many)Enter your text here...

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